Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So much to do!

I can't believe that Christmas is the day after tomorrow. I have so much to do still. Yesterday we had a cookie party, all of the kids came over and we decorated cookies. They took them home with them along with some fudge. It was fun, but afterwards I was exhausted! I did have a cookie though, and it was pretty good. I have nothing holding me back at this point. I didn't eat much at all yesterday, and I was a little sick at my stomach. For dinner I had some chicken salad with crackers.

Today I need to do some grocery shopping. I thought I had everything but as it turns out I don't. I need to get a turkey, courtesy of UPS thankyouverymuch. I need to get the stuff to make a deli tray for my husbands staff, and I need to get some celery. I guess I should probably get a couple of things for us to eat here at home the next couple of days. Prepping food has lost it's magic, I use to take my time, make it look nice, now I just throw it together.

We're going to my mother-in-laws to make a gingerbread house today. My girl is sick, horrible cold, but we're going anyway. Long story. My sweetheart of a husband came home last night, and after I went into a Nyquil induced coma he cleaned the house and wrapped all the kids gifts. I was really planning to use that as a bargaining point for the gingerbread house. Ah well, he's a keeper, he had worked about 14 hours yesterday and did that when he got home. You don't find those sorts of men on every corner.

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