Thursday, December 18, 2008

4 weeks later!

I can't believe it's been 4 weeks! Today I'm officially on solids, which is so weird to me. Including the pre op diet it's been 5+ weeks. I don't feel any urge to eat anything in particular, I'm just happy to be back on cooking for the family and joining them in meals. Again, with me it's always the social aspect.

Yesterday I had a scrambled egg for breakfast, some cottage cheese for lunch and yes again, refried beans for dinner. For a snack I had some fat free cream cheese with melba toast. I have just got to quit with the beans or I'll be living alone soon.

In other news. I cannot believe that Christmas is a week away. I usually have everything bought by now and all I have to do is my baking. The boy gets out of school early tomorrow for break and I have simply got to finish my shopping. Next week will be a little crazy with them both home. I love them, and they are fantastic kids, when they are the only kid. But put them together and the fighting starts. Good grief, the fighting. It's like living in a house with two mad cats who hate each other. The only thing worse than the fighting, is when they gang up on me. Together they are an unstoppable force. Even the whole "Santa is watching" barely puts a dent in their armor these days. I suspect it's because of the cold weather and not being able to get out and run off their energy.

I can only get my Xanax filled and hope for the best. It's two against one. I don't stand a snowballs chance in hell!

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