Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Ma!

Today is my mom's birthday. I won't say how old she is, but it's a major birthday. OK, she's 60 today. We all went out to dinner for her birthday, and it was my first meal out since the surgery.

I had a little of a few things. I had some bourbon chicken, it was easy to chew up and make mushy. I had a baked potato, and I had some cottage cheese. I was going to have some soft things,mac and cheese,stuff like that, but I wanted to fill up with protein rather than carbs. I skipped the soup, I just couldn't go there. For dessert I had some sugar free pudding. It wasn't bad, usually the sugar free stuff is too sweet for me, but this wasn't.

I wanted a salad sooo bad. I also wanted bread, but not as bad as I wanted the salad. I was full, but not miserable by any means. I was the only one not miserable, that was sort of nice. I think that one of the reasons I don't go to buffets are because I never feel like I get my money's worth. I mean really? $10 for that little bit of food? At least it wasn't a $9 soup, that's where we were going originally. I don't think there are many buffets in my future.

So the first meal out was fun! I'm definitely feeling back to normal. I am also down a size and the scale is moving now that I'm eating again. My jeans are baggy and the shirt I wore today didn't fit me a month ago. I'll take it.

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