Sunday, November 30, 2008

Planning Christmas

I'm feeling pretty good today. Still haven't lost any significant weight yet, but I'm upping my water, and my protein and moving around more. I definitely feel lighter and I have more energy. We took the kids to get some Christmas decorations and stuff, we spent waaaay too much money. But it's Christmas so what are you gonna do?

We opted to get them these ridiculously large stockings this year. Normally I'm a stickler for tradition, but as they get older, it makes more sense to have bigger stockings. I think what I'll do is take their picture each year and make little buttons for the stockings. It's an idea, but let's be honest, I'll be lucky to get their names on them. We also got our traditional ornament. We each pick out an ornament and we mark the year on it. Bob and I have done it since our first Christmas. The kids love it.

I feel more normal now. Getting out does me good. I'm going to get some Christmas shopping done this week. Get the house all cleaned up and ready to decorate next weekend. Before you know it, I'll be baking everyone's favorite goodies for Christmas. Everyone has something they wait all year for me to make, and I'm glad I feel like doing it this year. The truth is, of all the things I make, and I make a lot of stuff, I never really eat much of it so that won't be a huge problem.

On Thursday I go in for my 2 week follow up. At this time I will be moved on to what some call "mushy's", by nutritionist calls them "thick liquids". Whatever, I'm happy to move on to something that I don't have to drink. I won't be missing soup, I can tell you that. I also won't be partaking in baby food either. I just can't pull the trigger on that. Today I bought some things in preparation for the big day. I got some cream of wheat, grits (I'm from the south and I have never had grits, if you can believe that). I also bought deviled ham, and chicken. I don't know what's going to happen with this, but I'm going in optimistic. I also bought a couple of avocados that will be just right for dinner on Thursday night.

Tonight I made Bear Creek tortilla soup, those Bear Creek soups are awesome btw. I made it up, threw in some tortilla chips and put it through the food processor. It was pretty good, and I got full really quickly. It was a little thicker than my other soups, but I did really well with it. It's a strange feeling to get full so quickly. I like it, but it's weird.

I can't seem to get all the water in that I want to get in. And things still aren't "moving" as well as I would like them to. But I'm working on it. I'm upping my protein, and hoping that will help as well. I feel like my G.G. with the getting things moving nonsense.

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