Friday, November 14, 2008

Pre-Op Day 5

I'm on day 5 of the pre-op diet. I hit the wall on Wed. and I have had to force myself to eat the past 2 days. It's bizarre because I'm averaging around 2 lbs a day, except for yesterday when I didn't eat enough and I actually gained. I have no idea what's going on with my body. I also woke up really thirsty so maybe it's water gain.

Yesterday I went to have the pre-op tests done. Bloodwork and an EKG, as usual all is well. Afterwards I hunted down this miracle protein and found it. The guy at GNC let me try it and it was awesome. Even the powder smells good. I got some coconut and banana extracts to put in the vanilla, I think knowing that there is a protein shake out there that I can get down takes away a lot of my anxiety. I haven't been terribly thirsty (except for this morning) so I'm hoping that will be the case from now on. I love my water, and sipping will be difficult for me.

Emotionally I'm all over the place. My husband called me last night at 8pm to check on me, I was great. At 8:30pm I called him and told him that I was leaving when he got home and I wasn't sure if I was coming back or not. My kids were fighting and out of control and my nerves are shot. Finally I just went to bed. Still no desire to cheat, no cravings, no issues with the dieting. I do think that it is affecting my demeanor and I hate that. I'm fighting it. So two more days of this and then the 3day liquid diet and we're on the launch pad. It can't come soon enough for me.

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