Friday, January 9, 2009

Having a hard time

I'm having a bit of a hard time. I'm hungry, I'm sure it's PMS related, but I'm definitely hungry. I'm trying to concentrate on eating slowly and waiting to see if I'm full, but I'm not. I feel like I need to eat something with substance, but I can't think of what. Meanwhile I'm nibbling here and there and I don't feel like that's a good thing.

I'm feeling very bloated and gross and sad, my fingers look like sausages today. Again, it could be PMS but still. I really thought that a fill would make all the difference. This process sometimes seems to take forever. I am also having a huge problem with not drinking water with my meals. It's kicking my butt. Again, psychological. I swear I feel like I'm going to die of thirst.

I cannot breath because I'm stuffed up. My throat and my ears hurt and I swear that I smell cigarette smoke constantly. I'm not anywhere near it, and no one else can smell it but I can and it's so strong that it makes my eyes water and burn. It's really getting to me for some reason. Just not a good day today.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Other than the comment about being stuffy, I can totally relate. Drinking water with my meal became habit, as did eating everything together (when I was young I ate one thing at a time, something we need to do now).

And I'm STARVING. I got a fill on 12/29, but I called to get another one on Monday cuz every 2-3 hours my stomach is rumbling. It's the hungriest I've been so far, INCLUDING liquid phases! We can do this.